Creative Opportunities & Problem Sharing
We bring people together to do things they couldn’t do on their own, create shared opportunities and overcome shared problems together. We champion creative ways to help you exploit your assets and make the necessary strategic and practical changes to create value for the widest possible community and audience.
This is achieved by sharing ideas and resources with you, listening intently so we understand what opportunities are out there are relevant to you and discussing problems or issues that may have a resolve already out there.
““Wow! What an eye-opener! I don’t know what silly game I’ve been playing up until now, but it seems I’ve been missing trick after trick. Thank you SABCA for giving me a fabulous tool that will allow me to think big…bigger…national rather than local…perhaps even global?” – Fran Pitt, Fran Pitt Portraits, Somerset
How Our Members & Customers Benefit
SABCA members and our customers benefit through this service which includes a range of free and paid services and here are just a few:
- Access for funding information and calls
- Access to workshops that provide the skills and knowledge you need to move forward
- Business advice sessions, events and consultancy to share the load and find better ways of doing things
- Networking events and meetups to discuss changes and other matters of relevance
- Represent or speak on your behalf to other agencies, bodies or authorities
- Support your project or funding applications as a partner
How can we help you?
Contact us at Somerset Arts Business Cultural Alliance or submit a business inquiry online.
I have been involved in many of SABCA’s events and cannot think of a better organisation to support the arts and culture sector in Somerset. It goes from strength to strength. The vast knowledge and business support that I have seen practiced in both digital and physical environments are second to none. It is one of the most essential sector support groups in Somerset as we have a lot of arts, culture and creativity here and I support all their work now and in the future.